Certified Testing for EEG Technologists

Canadian Board of Registration of Electroencephalograph Technologists


The Canadian Board of Registration of Electroencephalograph Technologists, Inc. (C.B.R.E.T., Inc.) was established in 1972 and incorporated in 1982, to improve the standards of knowledge and proficiency in EEG technology and to promote a degree of uniformity in the training of EEG technologists in Canada.

Our Mission

C.B.R.E.T., Inc. was established to fulfill the following objectives:

  • To establish standards for institutions where EEG training is to take place.
  • To promote high academic standards for the training of EEG technologists.
  • To conduct examinations in order to test the knowledge and proficiency of EEG technologists.
  • To issue certificates designating those meeting the standards of Registered Electroencephalograph Technologists (R.E.T.).
  • To maintain a current register of those technologists having successfully passed the examinations and obtained R.E.T. status.

The Board consists of 10 members, each serving a renewable three (3)-year term. The Chairman of the Board is always a physician and the Registrar is a technologist. Other Board Members include one (1) physician or technologist from each of the five (5) C.B.R.ET., Inc. regions in Canada (Atlantic, Quebec, Ontario, Prairies, and B.C.), one (1) technologist from the Executive Board of the Canadian Association of Electroneurophysiology Technologists, Inc. and two (2) members are appointed at large.

CBRET Board 1972:

Michael Saunders – Winnipeg
Shirley Oliver – Winnipeg
Pierre Gloor – Montreal
Normand Giard – Montreal
Alice Craib – Vancouver
Morton Low – Vancouver
Renee Dubois – Montreal
Louis-Phillipe Morin – Sherbrooke

Board of Directors 2019-2022


Dr. Anita Datta, MD, FRCPC, CSCN Diplomate (EEG)
Clinical Associate Professor of Pediatrics
University of British Columbia
Pediatric Neurologist and Epileptologist

Email: [email protected]


Sara Primrose, RET, RT 
Royal University Hospital, Saskatoon, SK 

Tabrez Hussein, BSc, RET, RT(EMG), R EP T, CNIM
BC Children's Hospital, Vancouver, BC

Email: [email protected]

Atlantic Delegate

Christine Elliott; BSc. R.E.T
IWK Health Centre, Division of Neurology
Halifax, NS

Prairie Delegate

Kara Gillis-Mitchler

Quebec Delegate

Dr.Richard Desbiens M.D., FRCP(C)
CHU de Quebec– Hospital de l’Enfant-Jesus
Quebec City, Quebec

BC/Yukon Delegate

Dr. Yahya Aghakhani, MD, FRCPC
Vancouver General Hospital
Vancouver, British Columbia

Ontario Delegate

Dr. Tadeau Fantaneanu, MD, FRCPC
CSCN Diplomate (EEG)
The Ottawa Hospital
Ottawa, Ontario

Auxillary Position (Tech)

Susan McGregor, ENP, R.E.T.,
RT(EMG), DiplT
Foothills Medical Centre
Calgary, Alberta

Past Chair/Registrar

Joanne Nikkel: R.E.T., R. NCT.T,(EMG), RCT, (Cardiology)

CAET, Inc. President

Tim Woodford, RET
CAET President
[email protected]