Application Forms
Here you will find all the online application forms and fees that are required for CBRET examinations.
You must apply as a candidate by November 15 of the preceding exam year.
Application for Registration as a Candidate Demande d'inscription à titre de candidat

International Candidate Documentation Assessment and Application Form Évaluation de documentation du candidat international et formulaire de demande
Please complete payment by either credit card or cheque payable to CBRET, Inc. to:
CBRET, Inc. Registrar
Diagnostic Neurophysiology Dept.
BC Children's Hospital
4500 Oak St, Vancouver
BC V6H 3N1

International Candidate $250.00
Written Exam Application Demande d'examen écrit

Clinical (Oral/Record Review) / Practical Examination Examen clinique (oral / examen des dossiers) / pratique
The CBRET Inc. Spring Examination consists of both the Clinical (Oral/Record Review/Practical) and Written examination sessions.
Only those applicants meeting the requirements for the Clinical examination may attempt both examinations at this time.
Requirements for Clinical/Practical Examination:
1. Proof of training
2. Personal recordings under the direct supervision of an R.E.T. of a minimum of 500 EEGs by the practical exam date consisting of the following:
100 pediatric (12 years and under) recordings with 20 of those children being under the age of 2 years (24 months) plus, 100 adult (18 years and over) recordings with 20 of those being patients older than 60 years.
The remaining 300 recordings do not have any age requirements.
Logbooks must be presented at the practical examination.
Log books must be highlighted by age group to easily identify the specific age group requirements.
3. A letter of support from the supervisory technologist and/or the chief Electroencephalographer.
LOGS MUST BE SUBMITTED TO CBRET TWO WEEKS PRIOR TO YOUR EXAM DATE with the understanding that you will still have 2 weeks to continue collecting the minimum required EEGs.
Contact CBRET if you are are having trouble meeting these requirements.